What is the Kaitake Community Sports Hub?

Kaitake Community Sports Hub Inc. (KCSH) is an incorporated society and registered charity. The members of KCSH are the Kaitake Rugby Club (KRC), Kaitake Football Club (KFC), Oakura Cricket Club(OCC), Kaitake Netball Club and the Oakura Junior Sports Club (OJSC) is an associate member of KCSH. These clubs have been an integral part of the Kaitake community since 1894, when the Kaitake Rugby Club was formed, and currently represent over 600 individual members playing, coaching, and administrating sport in the Kaitake district and specifically at Corbett Park.

The KCSH is not just about rugby, netball, cricket, football and kids sport – it about connecting with each other, contributing to the physical, mental, and social health of both individuals and the community. That local sport contributes to our community wellbeing is clearly evident on Saturday mornings with junior sport bringing parents and whanau to the side-lines and the wider community gathering down at Corbett Park on a Saturday afternoon, supporting our teams and building our social fabric. Without a facility at Corbett Park, our future generation of rugby, cricket, netball and football players would need to travel to town or down the coast to play with a subsequent drop off in participation and loss of social benefit to our community.

“KCSH, providing for the social and physical health & wellbeing of our community”

Why was KCSH formed?

With a growing population and an increasing number of both senior and junior teams using Corbett Park as their home, retaining a fit for purpose facility to support not only the sporting needs of the community, but also a facility to provide for wider community events, is essential to the Kaitake district.

The clubrooms, previously owned by the KRC, had fallen into significant disrepair over the years and were no longer either fit for purpose or compliant with current building legislation. Returning the clubrooms and changing facilities to a usable standard was beyond the reach of any single club. Bringing the clubs together provided an attractive and sustainable proposition for funders and enablers to invest in the future of the Kaitake community in;

  • ensuring the collaboration necessary to operate together on a shared site and,
  • to sustain a fit for purpose community sport facility for the people of the Kaitake district that is out of the reach of any single club.